The and tools (available at and at respectively) audit a geodatabase for conformance with the GeMS schema and reports compliance as “may be LEVEL 1 COMPLIANT”, “is LEVEL 2 COMPLIANT”, or “is LEVEL 3 COMPLIANT”. It also runs a mp (metadata parser) to check for formal errors in geodatabase-level FGDC metadata. Note that to qualify as LEVEL 2 or LEVEL 3 compliant, a database must also be accompanied by a peer-reviewed geologic names report indicating nomenclature differences between the geologic units shown on the map and what’s listed in Geolex. This document should provide suggested changes to Geolex (e.g., missing names that have official usage by your agency), and should provide the pertinent publication(s). See the NGMDB "GeMS" site for files and links to help understand, create, and manage GeMS databases.
Compliance criteria are as follows:
Databases with a variety of schema may meet these criteria. Validate Database cannot confirm LEVEL 1 compliance.