Appendix 3. Parsing a Description of Map Units (DMU) into the DescriptionOfMapUnits Table and the HierarchyKey Field

The DescriptionOfMapUnits Table

Parsing a Description of Map Units (DMU) into the fields of the DescriptionOfMapUnits table is a relatively straightforward process. As an example, figure 3–1 shows a heading and two map unit descriptions from a DMU in a relatively recent published geologic map (Evarts and others, 2016); table 3–1 shows the same heading and two map units parsed into the fields of a DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Figure 3-1

Figure 3-1. Part of a modern Description of Map Units, excerpted from a geologic map published relatively recently (Evarts and others, 2016). Click the figure to enlarge. See table 3–1 for parsing of heading and map units into a DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Table 3-1. Selected fields and values from a DescriptionOfMapUnits table for the Description of Map Units depicted in figure 3–1.
[Heading, map units, unit names, ages, and descriptions from Evarts and others (2016). Note that title (“DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS”; ParagraphStyle “DMUHeading1”) is omitted]

Field name
MapUnit Label Name Age Description ParagraphStyle
<null> <null> Surficial deposits <null> <null> DMUHeading2
af af Artificial fill Holocene Unconsolidated soil, sand, and gravel that underlie industrialized floodplain areas of northern Portland, Oreg., and Vancouver, Wash.; mounds of sand and minor gravel from channel dredging that flank Columbia River; and earth and crushed rock for highway and railroad beds, levees, and small dams DMUUnit1
Qtf Qtf Fan deposits from tributarie Holocene and Pleistocene Unconsolidated silt, sand, and gravel in small fan-shaped accumulations from steep drainages in Tualatin Mountains. Most fans are younger than 2,000 years, inferred from relation with Columbia River and Willamette River floodplain deposits (Qcwc and Qcwf). Poorly exposed, but likely composed of silt, sand, and gravel diamicts deposited by debris flow and stratified sediment deposited by streamflow DMUUnit1

Note that several fields are missing from table 3–1. The person who translates an existing map into the GeMS schema will have to determine appropriate values of, for example, the FullName, GeoMaterial, Symbol, Pattern, and AreaFillRGB fields. The following list contains a few things to keep in mind when translating a map into GeMS:

Note that some older geologic maps and maps published by some agencies may not have DMUs that are formatted as is shown in figure 3–1 (see the examples given in “The HierarchyKey Field” section below). Nevertheless, we have not found a DMU or map-unit explanation that cannot be translated into this schema.

The HierarchyKey Field

Map-unit explanations on geologic maps commonly are ordered and hierarchical: map units are listed in an intentional sequence; they usually are listed under headings and subheadings; and some may be subunits of other map units. The sequence of map units shown in a DMU generally corresponds to the relative ages of map units, from youngest to oldest. This same hierarchy also is commonly expressed in a Correlation of Map Units (CMU) diagram. Hierarchy also may express closeness in genesis, paleogeography, relative certainty of map-unit identification, or other relations. On some maps that organize the DMU by the various physiographic regions or geologic terranes, or where many units were deposited contemporaneously (for example, many surficial geologic maps), the rules for designation of hierarchy may appear somewhat arbitrary, but the hierarchy is evident from the ordering and indentation of the DMU.

In the DMU of a USGS geologic map, hierarchy is shown by the paragraph style (font style, alignment, and indentation) of successive elements. This hierarchy is also shown by the spatial arrangement of map-unit boxes, headings, and brackets in the associated CMU diagram.

We record these relations in the DescriptionOfMapUnits table with the HierarchyKey attribute, which (1) allows the table to be sorted in its proper sequence, and (2) records parent-child relations. Values of HierarchyKey are text strings with the form of nn-nn or nn-nn-nn, etc. Each fragment (nn) of the HierarchyKey value is numeric, is left-padded with zeros so that each fragment has the same length, and is dash delimited. Different values of HierarchyKey may be made up of different numbers of fragments. For example, a DMU row that has a HierarchyKey value = “03-11” is the eleventh child of the parent row that has the HierarchyKey value = “03”.

The following are some general rules for the construction of HierarchyKey values:

The figures and tables below are examples that illustrate the use of the HierarchyKey field and its values. Each figure (figs. 3–2 through 3–5) reproduces part of a DMU or CMU for a published map, and each table (tables 3–2 through 3–5) reproduces part of the corresponding DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Figure 3-2

Figure 3-2. Reproduction of part of a map-unit explanation from a somewhat older geologic map (Hoggatt, 1979; image extracted from map accessed from, showing an older style of map-unit description. Click the figure to enlarge. See table 3–2 for parsing of map units into a DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Table 3-2. Selected fields and values from a DescriptionOfMapUnits table for the explanation depicted in figure 3–2.
[Map units and unit names from Hoggatt (1979). Note that title (“EXPLANATION”) is omitted]

Field name
HierarchyKey ParagraphStyle MapUnit Name
01 DMUUnit1 Qal Alluvium
02 DMUUnit1 Qm Mesa Conglomerate
03 DMUUnit1 Qp Palm Spring Formation
04 DMUUnit1 Qc Canebrake Formation
05 DMUUnit1 Tal Alverson Andesite
06 DMUUnit1 Tan Anza Formation
07 DMUUnit1 Kt1 Tonalite
08 DMUUnit1 Km Gneissic and Metasedimentary rocks
09 DMUUnit1 Kc Cuyamaca Gabbro
10 DMUUnit1 Trm Marble

Note the following in the above examples (fig. 3–2; table 3–2):

  • There is no separate DMU in this report; map-unit descriptions are contained in the Explanation
  • The Explanation (fig. 3–2) has no headings or subunits
  • The sequence of map units (top to bottom, left to right) is in the order of increasing geologic age (the Palm Spring Formation and the Canebrake Formation have the same age), and every map unit has the same rank. Thus, the HierarchyKey field contains sequential values of 1 to 10, left-padded with zeroes so that an alphanumeric sort on HierarchyKey puts the rows of the DescriptionOfMapUnits table in the correct sequence
  • The last entry (Name = “Marble”, HierarchyKey = “10”) has a MapUnit value = “Trm”, which is an ASCIIcharacter substitution for the map-unit label Marble Symbol. To produce the geologic age symbol Triassic Symbol ( = Triassic) on the map, the Label (field not shown) value would be “^”, and the FGDCGeoAge font would need to be specified (see table 11); thus, for MapUnit = “Trm”, Label = “^m”.

Note that, in a database, values in the Name field consist of unformatted ASCII characters.16 However, for purposes of illustration only, the contents of the Name field in the tables that follow (tables 3–3 through 3–5) have been formatted (by alignment, font style, and capitalization) so it will be easier to match them to their corresponding entries in the DMU or CMU on the source map. In an actual database, such formatting would only be recorded in the ParagraphStyle field.

Figure 3-3

Figure 3-3. Part of a modern Correlation of Map Units diagram, excerpted from a geologic map published relatively recently (Evarts and others, 2016). Click the figure to enlarge. See table 3–3 for parsing of headings and map units into a DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Table 3-3. Selected fields and values from a DescriptionOfMapUnits table for the Correlation of Map Units diagram depicted in figure 3–3.
[Headings and map units from Evarts and others (2016); unit names from Description of Map Units (not shown). Note that formatting (font style, capitalization, alignment, and indentation) of Name values is shown for example purposes only, to help match them to headings and units shown in figure 3–3]

Field name
HierarchyKey ParagraphStyle MapUnit Name
2-1 DMUUnit1 QTc Unnamed conglomerate
2-2 DMUUnit1 Ttfc Troutdale Formation, conglomerate member
2-3 DMUUnit1 Tsr Sandy River Mudstone
3 DMUHeading2 <null> BEDROCK
3-1-1 DMUUnit1 <null> Grande Ronde Basalt
3-1-1-1 DMUUnit2 Tgsb   Sentinel Bluffs Member
3-1-1-2 DMUUnit2 Tgww   Winter Water Member
3-1-1-3 DMUUnit2 Tgo   Ortley member
3-1-1-4 DMUUnit2 Tggc   Grouse Creek member
3-2-1 DMUUnit1 Tsf Scappoose Formation

Note the following in the above examples (fig. 3–3; table 3–3):

Figure 3-4

Figure 3-4. Part of an older map-unit explanation, excerpted from an older geologic map (Scott, 1961), showing an older, abbreviated style of mapunit description. Click the figure to enlarge. See table 3–4 for parsing of headings and map units into DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Table 3-4. Selected fields and values from a DescriptionOfMapUnits table for the explanation depicted in figure 3–4.
[Headings, map units, and unit names from Scott (1961). Note that formatting (capitalization, alignment, and perceived indentation) of Name values is shown for example purposes only, to help match them to headings and units shown in figure 3–4. Note also that title (“EXPLANATION”) is omitted]

Field name
HierarchyKey ParagraphStyle MapUnit Name
1 DMUUnit1 Qal Alluvium
2 DMUHeading2 <null> MIDWAY GROUP
2-1 DMUUnit1 Tc Clayton Formation
3 DMUHeading2 <null> SELMA GROUP
3-1 DMUUnit1 <null> Providence Sand
3-1-1 DMUUnit2 Kpu   Upper member
3-1-2 DMUUnit2 Kpp   Perote Member
3-2 DMUUnit1 <null> Ripley Formation and Demopolis Chalk
3-2-1 DMUUnit2 Kd   Demopolis Chalk
3-2-2 DMUUnit2 <null>   Ripley Formation
3-2-2-1 DMUUnit3 Kru     Upper member
3-2-2-2 DMUUnit3 Krc     Cusseta Sand Member
3-3 DMUUnit1 <null> Mooreville Chalk and Blufftown Formation
3-3-1 DMUUnit2 Km   Mooreville Chalk
3-3-2 DMUUnit2 Kb   Blufftown Formation
4 DMUUnit1 Ke Eutaw formation

Note the following in the above examples (fig. 3–4; table 3–4):

  • There is no separate DMU in this report; map-unit descriptions are contained in the Explanation
  • Unused fields (for example, the MapUnit field for headings) are filled with null values, not empty strings
  • It is unclear whether Midway Group and Selma Group are headings or map units, but the hierarchy expressed in the Explanation is obvious, and the corresponding HierarchyKey values (“2”, “3”) are easily assigned. In this case, the ParagraphStyle values (“DMUHeading2”) were chosen somewhat arbitrarily
  • The Explanation boxes (as read from left to right, top to bottom) show the Demopolis Chalk preceding the Ripley Formation, but the order of the associated text suggests the reverse. In this case, the HierarchyKey values (“3-2-1”, “3-2-2”) chosen reflect the box order.

Figure 3-5

Figure 3-5. Part of a relatively modern Correlation of Map Units diagram, excerpted from a geologic map published somewhat recently (Tabor and others, 2002). Click the figure to enlarge. See table 3–5 for parsing of headings and map units into DescriptionOfMapUnits table.

Table 3-5. Selected fields and values from a DescriptionOfMapUnits table for the Correlation of Map Units diagram depicted in figure 3–5.
[Headings and map units from Tabor and others (2002); unit names from Description of Map Units (not shown). Note that formatting (font style, capitalization, alignment, and indentation) of Name values is shown for example purposes only, to help match them to headings and units shown in figure 3–5]

Field name
HierarchyKey ParagraphStyle MapUnit Name
4-1 DMUUnit1 <null> Rocks of Glacier Peak volcano and associated volcanic rocks and deposits
4-1-1 DMUUnit2 Qglh   Laharic deposits
4-1-2 DMUUnit2 Qgp   Pumice deposits
4-1-3 DMUUnit2 Qgwf   Deposits of the White Chuck fill
4-1-3-1 DMUUnit3 Qgwt     Dacitic vitric tuff
4-1-4 DMUUnit2 Qgsf   Deposits of the Suiattle fill
4-1-5 DMUUnit2 Qgd   Dacite
4-1-6 DMUUnit2 Qgdp   Dacite of Disappointment Peak
4-1-7 DMUUnit2 Qcc   Cinder cones
4-1-8 DMUUnit2 Qaf   Andesite flow
4-1-9 DMUUnit2 <null>   Volcanic rocks of Gamma Ridge
4-1-9-1 DMUUnit3 Tgrv     Volcanic rocks
4-1-9-2 DMUUnit3 Tgrc     Conglomerate
4-1-9-3 DMUUnit3 Tgrf     Altered andesite and dacite flows
4-2 DMUHeading4 <null> Intrusive rocks of the Cascade Pass family
4-2-1 DMUUnit1 <null> Cool Glacier stock
4-2-1-1 DMUUnit2 Tcgg   Granodiorite
4-2-1-2 DMUUnit2 Tcgb   Breccia
4-2-2 DMUUnit1 Tdp Dacite plugs and dikes
4-2-3 DMUUnit1 <null> Mount Buckindy pluton
4-2-3-1 DMUUnit2 Tmbt   Tonalite and granodiorite
4-2-3-2 DMUUnit2 Tmbb   Breccia
4-2-4 DMUUnit1 <null> Cascade Pass dike
4-2-4-1 DMUUnit2 Tdt   Tonalite
4-2-4-2 DMUUnit2 Tdbx   Breccia
4-2-5 DMUUnit1 <null> Cloudy Pass batholith and associated rocks
4-2-5-1 DMUUnit2 Tcpl   Light-colored granite and granodiorite
4-2-5-2 DMUUnit2 Tcpd   Dark-colored granodiorite, tonalite, gabbro, and quartz gabbro
4-2-5-3 DMUUnit2 Tcpu   Granodiorite, tonalite, and gabbro, undivided
4-2-5-4 DMUUnit2 Tcpb   Intrusive breccia
4-2-5-5 DMUUnit2 Tcpc   Clustered light-colored dikes and irregular intrusive bodies
4-2-6 DMUUnit1 Tdm Downey Mountain stock
4-3 DMUHeading4 <null> Intrusive rocks of the Snoqualmie family
4-3-1 DMUUnit1 <null> Grotto batholith
4-3-1-1 DMUUnit2 Tgm   Monte Cristo stock
4-3-1-2 DMUUnit2 Tgd   Dead Duck pluton
4-4 DMUHeading4 <null> Intrusive rocks of the Index family
4-4-1 DMUUnit1 <null> Squire Creek stock and related intrusive rocks
4-4-1-1 DMUUnit2 Tst   Tonalite
4-4-1-2 DMUUnit2 Tsbt   Biotite tonalite
4-4-1-3 DMUUnit2 Tsh   Hornblende quartz diorite
4-4-1-4 DMUUnit2 Tsst   Tonalite of the Shake Creek stock
4-4-2 DMUUnit1 Tsrd Sauk ring dike

Note the following in the above examples (fig. 3–5; table 3–5):

References Cited in Appendix 3

Evarts, R.C., O’Connor, J.E., and Cannon, C.M., 2016, Geologic map of the Sauvie Island quadrangle, Multnomah and Columbia Counties, Oregon, and Clark County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3349, scale 1:24,000, pamphlet 34 p.,

Hoggatt, W.C., 1979, Geologic map of Sweeney Pass quadrangle, San Diego County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79–754, scale 1:24,000, 36 p.

Scott, J.C., 1961, Geologic map of Bullock County, Alabama: Geological Survey of Alabama Special Map 19.

Tabor, R.W., Booth, D.B., Vance, J.A., and Ford, A.B., 2002, Geologic map of the Sauk River 30- by 60-minute quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I–2592, scale 1:100,000, 67 p.,


U.S. Geological Survey National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, 2020, GeMS (Geologic Map Schema)—A standard format for the digital publication of geologic maps: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 11, chap. B10, 74 p.,

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